Well known film maker Karan Johar has finally decided to title his forthcoming movie as ‘We Are Family’. He took a very long time in arriving at the final decision. Karan has revealed this through a post on micro-blogging site Twitter. In fact, Karan had promised fans that he would announce the name of the film on Twitter first, and he has kept his word. ‘We Are Family’ is the Hindi version of Chris Columbus' 1998 comedy drama ‘Stepmom’. This is a heartwarming tale about a terminally ill divorcee who has to accept the new woman in her ex-husband's life as the stepmother of her kids and the problems they face to find a common ground of understanding.
You may recall that the movie was earlier being called ‘Love You Maa’, but Karan wasn’t happy with this name and had been looking for a suitable title, and sought advice from his fans. Finally titled ‘We Are Family’ is directed by Siddharth Malhotra, and features Kajol, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal. The movie is expected to release in October 2010. So, Karan had no time to wait any longer and took a final decision.
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