While shooting for a music video for Kurbaan on Tuesday, at first, director Rensil D’Silva and Saif Ali Khan decided that Kareena was not needed for the video. But later when they felt the need for her presence in the video, Saif came up with a unique idea and suggested to Rensil that she could be part of the video at least in spirit.
Earlier, Rensil was very clear that he only and only wanted Saif in the video. They shot for the song at Mukesh Mills in Mumbai. It was conceptualized and choreographed by Rensil and Bosco respectively. It is different from the usual music videos and is not at all flashy. It features Saif and the background dancers in spiritual poses and the video is more spirit than body.
Shooting for it reminded Rensil of his early days when he used to shoot music videos. The shoot went on fine until they realized that Kareena was needed. That’s when Saif came up with his idea and Rensil used some of Kareena’s most dramatic shots from the film as passing images in the background. Both Saif and Rensil agree that it has made a great difference to the video of 'Kurbaan Hua'.
(- Sampurn Media)
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