Kareena Kapoor has touched the 40th-movie mark in Bollywood and is finally in her dream shape. And no it's not size zero. The actress who's tried to do "something different" in her career's 40th film We Are Family speaks to Parmita Uniyal on the movie, minus size zero news and more.
'I'm not playing Julia'
The actress who's stepping into the shoes of Hollywood superstar Julia Roberts says that her character is written very differently from Roberts, and there are no similarities between the two characters. "We Are Family might be the remake of Stepmom, but there are no similarities with Julia Roberts. Comparisons are obvious though."
Moving towards half-century of movies
Kareena Kapoor reveals that We Are Family would be her 40th film, and she's put in a lot of effort to make the role stand out. "This is my 40th film and I wanted to make it special. I have portrayed this role in my own style and what Siddharth had visualised for me."
'Minus size zero? I'm putting on weight'
Kareena laughs off rumours that she's going minus size zero for Karan Johar's Short Term Shaadi opposite Imran Khan. "Yeah, I read that news while I was in the flight. Forget about minus size zero, I've put on weight now. And I am happy with this. I've also believed in being fit and healthy. This is how I want to look. It's false news.
Why's Karan spreading false rumours?
Kareena Kapoor is amused with reports that Karan Johar has been giving quotes to media that Kareena was getting into size zero mould for his upcoming movie. She says laughing, "Well Karan never told me that I have to go size zero for his movie. I'll have to call him and find out. Frankly, I don't think I would want to go size zero again."
'Can't think like a mom right now'
Kareena Kapoor might have won the heart of her on-screen stepchildren in the movie, but she's in no mood to imagine herself as a mother right now. "I'm going to think about that at a later stage, not now. But I'm a good aunt to my sister's children."
'Kids are adults in We Are Family'
Kareena Kapoor is all praise for her on-screen stepchildren and thinks that as far as their acting was concerned, they were more like adults. "They acted like professionals. It didn't seem they were acting for the first time. They were so well-behaved and matured that it was a pleasure to work with them."
(Parmita Uniyal, Hindustan Times)
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