Filmmaker Karan Johar shakes his belly during the talent hunt show, ‘India’s Got Talent’. He was present on the show with his ‘We Are Family’ team, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal. On the show, one particular team performed belly dancing. Out of enthusiasm, the participants pulled the ‘We Are Family’ team and asked Karan to do the same with them. Keeping their wish, Karan shook his belly with actor Arjun Rampal. Bebo also joined them on the stage. At first Karan was little hesitant to do the act but when judge Kiron Kher asked him to be sporty, he went on and enjoyed the audience.
Karan says, "I just did a few steps. It's easier for me to do a belly dance as I have a belly but I fool everyone with my black attire so people believe that I don't. My motto is: when in doubt, wear black! I didn't do any major number, just moved my hips for a few seconds but it was fun! I am willing to do anything in the name of promotion for my films."
Meanwhile, Kareena as well as Karan was highly impressed with the performance of Pradeep Kaiskar who performed brilliant fusion piece, a rap number in Marathi, English and Hindi.
(By: Bollywood Mantra Staff)
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